About Funk Aircraft Owners Association
The Funk Flyers Owners Association is an organization for Funk aircraft owners to help get to know one another. To help them maintain their aricraft, exchange ideas and information and to locate sources of supplies for parts. The goal of the Funk Aircraft Owners Association is the restoration, preservation, flying and exhibition of one of the best and safest light planes ever manufactured.
Dale Beach's banner he displayed at many fly-ins to
spread - "Funk is the word"!
Disclaimer: The Funk Aircraft Owners Association and FAOA website do not project nor accept any responsibility for participation by any member or non-member at any fly-in function or event that may be advertized via this web-site or FAOA newsletter. All material herein of a technical nature is for reference only and is not recommended or approved by the editor/webmaster of this website or publications distributed by the FAOA nor any officer of the FAOA. Any communication produced by the FAOA is done so only as a medium of communication between Funk aircraft owners and historians of Funk aircraft.